Golf Course Catering

I love catering at golf courses – something to do with the wide open spaces, perfectly trimmed and manicured greenery and the ruination of a good walk. So last weekend’s trip for Spitting Pig Belfast was the most fun I’ve had in ages – yes I did look on with green-eyes – but what better place to cook outside, on a balmy evening and with some really good people. A lot of the older golfers were pretty interested in the machines we were cooking with and surprised at just our well they cooked the meat. Comments ranged from “scrumptious”, through to “can I buy one?” Of course the answer was yes to both.

With this being an evening do, it meant we had a pretty relaxed day getting everything prepared for the post tournament shindig. Relaxed, that is, until a minor calamity befell our hosts and a brief power cut threatened to reduce the event to a bit of a damp squib. Fortunately we were back up and running in no time and had the hog roasted in perfect time for the first group finishing on the eighteenth. After such a calm build up to the evening, it soon got a little hectic, but everyone loved the food and as always we were treated brilliantly by the club.

After the food was finished we had to clear up pretty quickly to avoid packing up in the dark. The club captain insisted on us staying for a while before he’d let us go. So we stayed around and finished off the carcass and the crackling with the rest of the bar staff – whilst the golfers got through the winners prize for the day – a couple of pretty decent single malts. The party was still going when we finished and set off back home.

The feedback from the golf club was really positive and the club were so helpful to us. The Secretary got in touch yesterday to relay the thanks from the club and book in another event for the Ryder Cup – so I’m looking forward to going back for a slightly bigger day and maybe I’ll even take my clubs this time.